A dark sensuality defines Psykobreak!’s “Sting”.

A dark sensuality defines Psykobreak!’s “Sting”. Everything about it features an animalistic presence to it. The mixture of cool sleek electro influences alongside dance, pop, and a hint of industrial makes sure that the track possesses a mysteriousness. By far the highlight comes from her voice which has a haunting, cut-to-the bone presence to it. Rhythms have a commanding presence to them bringing in a glam rock procession bled dry. This steady, never wavering beat makes sure that her lyricism has that much more bite behind it. Urgent to its core there is a focus within it that feels reassuring in a way that has a stunning presence. Multiple patterns ping off each other for there is a bit of a grandeur to be found. Volume is a must as they allow a physicality to all of it.

Psykobreak! starts things off on a high note, as the demented groove comes into its own. Over the course of the piece the small elements are magnified in a way that feels fantastic. Ebb and flow of the song further adds to the wildness of the piece. All these elements grow and expand out in a way that recalls a bit of an eerie take on Parliament’s storytelling abilities. Unlike that group through the shadows that the song explores feels fantastic, even gorgeous at times. With each reiteration of the theme, they double down on the sound itself.
“Sting” shows off Psykobreak! at their absolute best with a gripping intense stare from which there is no escape.