A stripped-down soulful take on R&B defines Mauvey’s compassionate “Sunday Afternoon”.

Mauvey - Sunday Afternoon
A stripped-down soulful take on R&B defines Mauvey’s compassionate “Sunday Afternoon”. The pining spirit of the piece guides it forward. Stylistically he brings in elements of R&B as the base, alongside flourishes of dubstep, EDM, and even jazz to make it a blissful take. His voice has a warmth to it, with the accent further adding to the beguiling appeal of the track. With a carefully laid-out arrangement, the entirety of the song has a minimal yet lovely hue to it. Focus on texture and melody means that the song has a true beating heart one that feels soothing.

Photo credits please: Bree Laryea
Vocals rise up into the song in a way that has a delicate balance to it. From there the rest of the sound gradually filters in, from the bass-heavy hit of the beat to the glowing neon-hued splendour of the keyboards. When all of it is brought together the result is a shimmering, beautiful world. By blending elements of old school and nu school R&B, he makes sure that he rests alongside the likes of experimenters like Dean Blunt, Klein, etc. A gauzy quality helps to give the whole of the piece a rather tender experience, as the evolution of the work builds and builds. For such a pop-oriented sound, he manages to pack quite a number of unique twists and turns into the fray bringing the whole of the thing to a fantastic finale.

Photo credits please: Bree Laryea
“Sunday Afternoon” revels in the undeniable talent of Mauvey in building upon R&B’s classic sound and pulling it into the future.