A tender electro ballad bursts onto the scene with Jordan Brooks baring his very soul with “Prayers”
Jordan Brooks – Prayers
A tender electro ballad bursts onto the scene with Jordan Brooks baring his very soul with “Prayers”. Full of love the way the sound adds to his vulnerability gives it a majesty of sorts. Melodically rich the song powers on through effortlessly blending with the groove to create something almost dub like. This, alongside the skeletal percussion that skitters above, further adds to the peaceful sensibility of the entirety of the work. References abound, going from James Blake’s stately dub to the Postal Service’s giddy heartfelt energy informs the work. Best of all his voice has a careful cadence about it, sung with so much soul.
From the very beginning he starts things off strong. The many elements come into focus in a way that feels quite economical. Never overstaying its welcome, there is a glimmering, dreamy hue that dominates the work helping to give it a sense of true peace. Letting the sound expand it becomes something that even touches upon shoegaze during very specific moments. There is a hope that defines it, for the lyrics prove to be the essential element. Sung as pure poetry the way it reveals his innermost feelings adds to the power of the work. Nor does he ever let up, rather the song seems to neatly match his energy, with both elements rising up into a fevered pitch for the final stretch of the sound.
“Prayers” features a fantastic array of color, one that shows off Jordan Brooks’ uncanny ability to craft a soothing serene universe.